Level-5 Games CEO Horny, Wants To Do Violent & Erotic Games

Level-5 Games CEO wants to make games edgy, steamy, bloody, and adult.

Welp, that’s somethin’ you don’t see or hear ‘bout often, eh? A CEO of a company actually havin’ the stones to admit what he wants in public. Color us full of intrigue ‘cause Level-5 Games CEO, the company famous for cutesy, wholesome games, wants to make games with violence and erotic content. Wow, looks like that Stellar Blade hype is pretty contagious, huh?

Can’t say we blame the guy, though, since, violence and sex sell in video games. Don’t believe us? Rockstar Games, famous for delaying their games (GTA VI) say hello. They’re makin’ bank and milkin’ the fan-base dry and closin’ down studios, yet somehow everyone’s singing’ their praises. Anyway, let’s steer back to the matter at hand, ‘bout how a big wig has a creative vision, not just the corporate greed agenda. Let’s roll~

What Did The CEO Of Level-5 Games Say Exactly?

He said WHAT?!

We’re not beatin’ ‘round the bush here folks, though we wouldn’t mind, (giggidy~). Here’s the direct quote of the CEO of Level-5 Games, straight from the source. Uh… it’s in Japanese, but we got a translation for y’all in English. He was givin’ an intreview in which he was asked ‘bout what type of games he’d like to make if he had free reign. Here’s what his exact words are:

“If I were to put it in extreme terms, I would go so far as to say that I want to make things like erotic games, and 18+ games with violence.”

Wow~ talk ’bout bein’ direct, right? Well, our respect for the guy just shot through the roof. No, that’s not an euphemism, we’re serious over here. What a wacky concept, right? Allowin’ an artist to express their creativity without censure? That’s some craaazy talk in this day and age, but we’re so down!

Now, we’re no linguistic experts, folks. But the words of Mr. Level-5 CEO sound like a man lookin’ to push the envelope. In fact, we’re willin’ to go as far as to say, he’s got a dream to fulfil. That kina’ thinkin’ puts him on par with the other legendary Japanese video game creators of the industry. It’s honestly a refreshin’ bit of news that we’re more than happy to hear, after all, we’re all for creative freedom.

Will It Actually Happen?

Family-friendly games.

Well, now that y’all know the exact phrasin’ of the Level-5 Games CEO, it is blunt in its description. Let’s answer the question and concern on our minds for it. Will the mature game with brutal depiction of violence and steamy, saucy, and raunchy content by Level-5 Games ever see the light of day?

Related: 6 Of The Steamiest Dating Simulator Romance Games With Great Stories Worth Playing.

Honestly, that’s a huge question mark and we’re not entirely convinced it will ever happen. Why? Well, there’re some iffiness on the corporate side of things. The obvious is the huge departure from family-friendly games like Ni no Kuni, which is just Studio Ghibli the game. Or the Yokai Watch games and anime. By the way, both games are uniquely amazing JRPGS you’ll get lost in thanks to their gorgeous aesthetics. Plus, their themes are so anime-esque, that it’s not even a joke.

Related: 8 Fantastic Anime Based On Video Games You Need To Watch Right Now.

To depart from such a mainstream association that the audience has for them, well, it seems like a huge gamble. But stranger things (no, not the TV show) have happened. Like, we’re gettin’ a 2024 summer sizzlin’ reveal of Lollipop Chainsaw Remake soon. It’s ‘nother title that raised eyebrows, and turned heads. Why? Well, ‘cause it’s got all the things Mr. Level-5 Games CEO is lookin’ for. But, yeah, as things stand, no, we don’t think it’ll happen, and it’s an expression of a pipe dream.

Why Level-5 Games CEO Is Stirring The Hornet’s Nest With A Call To Make Violent And Erotic Games?

Level-5 Games CEO is making brave statement.

While we commend the man in charge of leadin’ Level-5 Games, we gotta say, Mr. CEO is playin’ a dangerous game. If you’re wonderin’ why? Well, just look at the abysmal state of the gaming industry, creatively speaking, of course. There’re tons of messes just in 2024 alone. Take your pick from any of the idiotic disasters, and you’ll see a corporate suit behind it.

Related: Square Enix In The Red, Posts $140 Million Loss, & Cancels Games.

 Ubisoft’s Star Wars Outlaws paywall stupidity yeah, tak ‘bout crap handlin’ of a beloved IP huh? Then there’s the mind-bafflin’ reality that Skull & Bones (2024) is’ inferior to Assassin’s Creed IV (2014). Or how about, WB Games moronically embracing the live-service gaming model? We rest our case. The point is, ya don’t see many CEO types bein’ this open with gamers. The closest thing we got is Uncle Phil Spencer who just recently reached the decade milestone at Xbox.

Even that guy’s on thin ice since Microsoft’s fallin’ behind its competition in console sales numbers to PS5 3:1. His only savin’ grace is if Microsoft stops playin’ nice and turns up the aggression to win gamers over. Anyway, so Akihiro Hino, the Level-5 Games CEO, in this climate of volatility expressin’ his ambitions could land in him hot water. Not because he’s doin’ a bad job, but ‘cause of cancel culture. Ya’ know, the reason we have lists like the worst female characters in video games. This crowd wants to control how and what you enjoy in your games.

Final Thoughts

Aaan, that’s all she wrote, folks. Our coverage of this scintillatin’ and headline-grabbin’ news regardin’ Mr. Level-5 Games CEO. The honesty and desire for creative passion is somethin’ we’ll fully support for anyone. So, now, we come to you for feedback. What do y’all make for this bizarre and outta nowhere statement from the guy? Do y’all feel the same way we do? As in, should he do as he’s sayin’ and somehow defy the odds to greenlight his M-rated game? Or are y’all content with him stickin’ to his guns and churnin’ out what he’s already good at? Tell us ’bout it in the comments section below. We’re really lookin’ forward to readin’ the input y’all give us.

In the meantime, if you’re feelin’ a little left hangin’ by our assessment that it’s unlikely we see the guy make the dream game he’s speakin’ of, we’ve got just the thing to help you feel better. Feast your eyes on the topsy-turvy flip side of this very news. We’re referrin’ to the legendary Shinji Mikami Tensei, explaining why he left Tango Gameworks. He also tells why he wants to distance himself from the rep of the guy known for horror games only. What a weird coincidence, eh? Anyway, that’s all we got for y’all, so we’ll see y’all in the next one. Until next time, folks, take care, stay safe, and happy gaming!


  • Rafi Ahmed

    Retro(and modern) gamer, proud comic geek, anime connoisseur, and opinionated peach without a filter. I'm bringing you hot takes, recommendations, and what-if fantasy scenarios and championing the gamer cause against corporate greed. You're welcome!

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