List of all Stratagems and Button Inputs in Helldivers 2

Helldivers 2 Stratagems List
Helldivers 2 Stratagems List

Helldivers 2 includes plenty of Stratagems that you may need to use during the battle for Super Earth, and the list is just going to get longer with the developers ready to add new Stratagems to the game soon. It’s necessary to learn the codes of your favourite and most used Stratagems as wasting time when the enemy draws near to your location does not help and may lead to the death of you and your allies. So, we have compiled all the Stratagems in the game along with their Button Inputs in this Helldivers 2 Stratagems List to help you remember them.
Note: Stratagems will first be listed separately according to their types and then combined into one list for ease of use.

Default Stratagems in Helldivers 2

StratagemsButton InputDescription
Reinforce Up, Down, Left, Right, UpRevive a fallen ally through a Hellpod.
ResupplyDown, Down, Up, RightDrops four supply packs to replenish all ammo and equipment.
SOS BeaconUp, Down, Left, UpSends a broadcast to allow other Helldivers to join your session.
3 Default Stratagems

Patriotic Administration Center Stratagems

Patriotic Administration Center Stratagems in Helldivers 2
Patriotic Administration Center Stratagems – Helldivers 2 Full Stratagems List
StratagemButton InputDescriptionRequired Level
Machine GunDown, Left, Down, Up, RightA machine gun designed for stationary use. Trades higher power for increased recoil and reduced accuracy.Level 1
Anti-Materiel RifleDown, Left, Right, Up, DownA high-caliber sniper rifle effective over long distances against light vehicle armor. This rifle must be aimed downscope.Level 2
StalwartDown, Left, Down, Up, Up, LeftA compact, low caliber machine gun. Trades power for ease of use, with faster reloading than heavier machine guns.Level 2
Expendable Anti-TankDown, Down, Left, Up, RightA single-use weapon specialized for damaging vehicle armor. Discarded after every use.Level 3
Recoilless RifleDown, Left, Right, Right, LeftA recoilless rifle effective against vehicle armor. Includes support backpack required for reloading.Level 5
FlamethrowerDown, Left, Up, Down, UpAn incendiary weapon for close range. Will ignite targets, terrain, and any flammable teammates.Level 10
AutocannonDown, Left, Down, Up, Up, RightA fullly-automatic cannon effective against light vehicle armor. Includes support backpack required for reloading.Level 10
RailgunDown, Right, Left, Down, Up, Left, RightAn experimental weapon which prioritizes armor penetration. Must be charged between shots – so choose targets carefully.Level 20
SpearDown, Down, Up, Down, DownAn anti-tank homing missile which must lock onto its target before launch. Effective against large and armored enemies.Level 20
9 Patriotic Administration Center Stratagems

Orbital Cannon Sratagems

Orbital Cannon Sratagems in Helldivers 2
Orbital Cannon Sratagems – Helldivers 2 Full Stratagems List
StratagemButton InputDescriptionRequired Level
Orbital Gatling BarrageRight, Down, Left, Up, UpA barrage of high explosive rounds, fired from the Destroyer’s high speed rotary autocannons.Level 2
Orbital Airburst StrikeRight, Right, RightA projectile which explodes while airborne, creating a deadly rain of shrapnel. Not effective against heavy armor.Level 5
Orbital 120MM HE BarrageRight, Down, Left, Right, DownA precision artillery salvo over a small area, perfect for taking out concentrated enemy unitsLevel 5
Orbital 380MM HE BarrageRight, Down, Up, Up, Left, Down, DownA prolonged barrage, wreaking extended destruction over a large area. Communication with teammates is advised.Level 8
Orbital Walking BarrageRight, Right, Down, Left, Right, DownA linear artillery barrage which moves at intervals, driving the enemy out from cover while allowing an advance.Level 10
Orbital LasersRight, Down, Up, Right, DownThe Destroyer’s laser cannon will sweep over the designated area, vaporizing all targets within the effective radius.Level 15
Orbital Railcannon StrikeRight, Up, Down, Down, RightA high-velocity railcannon round fired at the largest target in close proximity to the beacon. Targeting is automattic.Level 20
7 Orbital Cannons Stratagems

Hangar Stratagems

Hangar Stratagems in Helldivers 2
Hangar Stratagems – Helldivers 2 Full Stratagems List
StratagemButton InputDescriptionRequired Level
Eagle Strafing RunUp, Right, RightA strafing run of the battlefield to clear small targets, delivered almost instantly.Level 2
Eagle AirstrikeUp, Right, Down, RightA barrage of bombs creating a non-targeted carpet of explosions.Level 2
Eagle Cluster BombUp, Right, Down, Down, RightA targeted air strike unable to destroy buildings, but efficient at clearing smaller targets.Level 3
Eagle Napalm AirstrikeUp, Right, Down, UpA barrage of napalm bombs, creating a wall of fire which will stop the enemy in their tracks.Level 5
Jump PackDown, Up, Up, Down, UpEnables the user to jump higher than ‘gravity’ and ‘safety’ would normally allow. Must be charged before use.Level 8
Eagle Smoke StrikeUp, Right, Up, DownA barrage of smoke grenades, creating a thick smoke screen to block enemies’ line of sight.Level 8
Eagle 110MM Rocket PodsUp, Right, Up, LeftA barrage of rocket pods, which the Eagle pilot will release on the largest target near the stratagem beacon.Level 10
Eagle 500KG BombUp, Right, Down, Down, DownA large bomb obliterating almost any target close to impact. Make sure to clear the area.Level 15
8 Hangar Stratagems

Bridge Stratagems

Bridge Stratagems in Helldivers 2
Bridge Stratagems – Helldivers 2 Full Stratagems List
StratagemButton InputDescriptionRequired Level
Orbital Precision StrikeRight, Right, UpA single precision shot from the Destroyer’s ‘ATLAS’ cannon.Level 1
Orbital Gas StrikeRight, Right, Down, RightA projectile which releases a cloud of corrosive gas, harmful to both organic and robotic lifeforms.Level 3
Orbital EMS StrikeRight, Right, Left, DownA “compliance weapon” to modify enemy behavior. The projectile temporarily stuns all targets within the strike radius.Level 5
Orbital Smoke StrikeRight, Right, Down, UpCreates a large, thick smoke screen to block targets’ line of sight.Level 8
HMG EmplacementDown, Up, Left, Right, Right, LeftA manned fortification offering superior firepower against lightly armored targets. Slow to turn, so place it wisely.Level 10
Shield Generation RelayDown, Up, Left, Down, Right, RightA stationary energy shield which provides cover against projectiles. Has a limited lifetime once deployed.Level 10
Tesla TowerDown, Up, Right, Up, Left, RightA turret which fires electrical charges at targets in close range. To avoid friendly fire, remain prone.Level 15
7 Bridge Stratagems

Engineering Bay Stratagems

Engineering Bay Stratagems in Helldivers 2
Engineering Bay Stratagems – Helldivers 2 Full Stratagems List
StratagemButton InputDescriptionRequired Level
Anti-Personnel MinefieldDown, Left, Up, RightDeploys a defensive anti-personnel minefield, to halt enemy advance.Level 2
Supply PackDown, Left, Down, Up, Up, DownSupply boxes containing ammunition, with a backpack that allows the user to distribute boxes to fellow Helldivers.Level 3
Grenade LauncherDown, Left, Up, Left, DownA grenade launcher effective against armored infantry. Not intended for use against vehicle armor or fortified buildings.Level 5
Laser CannonDown, Left, Down, Up, LeftA laser weapon firing a continuous beam. Doesn’t require ammunition, but will need heat sink replaced if it overheats.Level 5
Incendiary MinesDown, Left, Left, DownDeploys a defensive incendiary minefield, which will set both terrain and targets alight when triggered.Level 8
“Guard Dog” RoverDown, Up, Left, Up, Right, RightAn autonomous drone equipped with a laser rifle, providing 360° cover. Returns to backpack to cool down.Level 10
Ballistic Shield BackpackDown, Left, Up, Up, RightA backpack which can be wielded as a one-handed ballistic shield, protecting against small arms fire.Level 12
Arc ThrowerDown, Right, Up, Left, DownProjects an arc of lightning at close range. Charges up to project bolts, and may discharge through multiple targets.Level 15
Shield Generator PackDown, Up, Left, Right, Left, RightEncloses the wearer in a spherical shield which blocks high-speed projectiles. Has a limited lifetime once deployed.Level 20
9 Engineering Bay Stratagems

Robotics Workshop Stratagems

Robotics Workshop Stratagems in Helldivers 2
Robotics Workshop Stratagems – Helldivers 2 Full Stratagems List
StratagemButton InputDescriptionRequired Level
Machine Gun SentryDown, Up, Right, Right, UpAn agile automated machine gun turret. Will fire at targets even if Helldivers will be caught in the crossfire.Level 3
Gatling SentryDown, Up, Right, LeftAn automated turret with an extremely high rate of fire. Caution: does not check if friendly units are in line of fire.Level 5
Mortar SentryDown, Up, Right, Right, DownA turret firing powerful shells in a high arc. Effective at long ranges, and able to strike at targets behind cover.Level 8
“Guard Dog”Down, Up, Left, Up, Right, DownAn autonomous drone equipped with a Liberator assault rifle, providing 360° cover. Returns to backpack to rearm.Level 10
Autocannon SentryDown, Up, Right, Up, Left, UpAn automated cannon turret firing anti-tank ammunition over long ranges. Sacrifices agility for range and power.Level 13
Rocket SentryDown, Up, Right, Right, LeftA powerful automated turret, effective against armored targets. The turret will primarily aim at larger enemies.Level 15
EMS Mortar SentryDown, Down, Up, Up, LeftA turret firing static field generators that slow the advance of enemies.Level 20
7 Robotics Workshop Stratagems

Helldivers 2 All Stratagems List

StratagemsButton InputsDescriptionRequired Level
ReinforceUp, Down, Left, Right, UpRevive a fallen ally through a Hellpod.
ResupplyDown, Down, Up, RightDrops four supply packs to replenish all ammo and equipment.
SOS BeaconUp, Down, Left, UpSends a broadcast to allow other Helldivers to join your session.
Machine GunDown, Left, Down, Up, RightA machine gun designed for stationary use. Trades higher power for increased recoil and reduced accuracy.Level 1
Orbital Precision StrikeRight, Right, UpA single precision shot from the Destroyer’s ‘ATLAS’ cannon.Level 1
Anti-Materiel RifleDown, Left, Right, Up, DownA high-caliber sniper rifle effective over long distances against light vehicle armor. This rifle must be aimed downscope.Level 2
Anti-Personnel MinefieldDown, Left, Up, RightDeploys a defensive anti-personnel minefield, to halt enemy advance.Level 2
Eagle AirstrikeUp, Right, Down, RightA barrage of bombs creating a non-targeted carpet of explosions.Level 2
Eagle Strafing RunUp, Right, RightA strafing run of the battlefield to clear small targets, delivered almost instantly.Level 2
Orbital Gatling BarrageRight, Down, Left, Up, UpA barrage of high explosive rounds, fired from the Destroyer’s high speed rotary autocannons.Level 2
StalwartDown, Left, Down, Up, Up, LeftA compact, low caliber machine gun. Trades power for ease of use, with faster reloading than heavier machine guns.Level 2
Eagle Cluster BombUp, Right, Down, Down, RightA targeted air strike unable to destroy buildings, but efficient at clearing smaller targets.Level 3
Expendable Anti-TankDown, Down, Left, Up, RightA single-use weapon specialized for damaging vehicle armor. Discarded after every use.Level 3
Machine Gun SentryDown, Up, Right, Right, UpAn agile automated machine gun turret. Will fire at targets even if Helldivers will be caught in the crossfire.Level 3
Orbital Gas StrikeRight, Right, Down, RightA projectile which releases a cloud of corrosive gas, harmful to both organic and robotic lifeforms.Level 3
Supply PackDown, Left, Down, Up, Up, DownSupply boxes containing ammunition, with a backpack that allows the user to distribute boxes to fellow Helldivers.Level 3
Eagle Napalm AirstrikeUp, Right, Down, UpA barrage of napalm bombs, creating a wall of fire which will stop the enemy in their tracks.Level 5
Gatling SentryDown, Up, Right, LeftAn automated turret with an extremely high rate of fire. Caution: does not check if friendly units are in line of fire.Level 5
Grenade LauncherDown, Left, Up, Left, DownA grenade launcher effective against armored infantry. Not intended for use against vehicle armor or fortified buildings.Level 5
Laser CannonDown, Left, Down, Up, LeftA laser weapon firing a continuous beam. Doesn’t require ammunition, but will need heat sink replaced if it overheats.Level 5
Orbital 120MM HE BarrageRight, Down, Left, Right, DownA precision artillery salvo over a small area, perfect for taking out concentrated enemy units.Level 5
Orbital Airburst StrikeRight, Right, RightA projectile which explodes while airborne, creating a deadly rain of shrapnel. Not effective against heavy armor.Level 5
Orbital EMS StrikeRight, Right, Left, DownA “compliance weapon” to modify enemy behavior. The projectile temporarily stuns all targets within the strike radius.Level 5
Recoilless RifleDown, Left, Right, Right, LeftA recoilless rifle effective against vehicle armor. Includes support backpack required for reloading.Level 5
Eagle Smoke StrikeUp, Right, Up, DownA barrage of smoke grenades, creating a thick smoke screen to block enemies’ line of sight.Level 8
Incendiary MinesDown, Left, Left, DownDeploys a defensive incendiary minefield, which will set both terrain and targets alight when triggered.Level 8
Jump PackDown, Up, Up, Down, UpEnables the user to jump higher than ‘gravity’ and ‘safety’ would normally allow. Must be charged before use.Level 8
Mortar SentryDown, Up, Right, Right, DownA turret firing powerful shells in a high arc. Effective at long ranges, and able to strike at targets behind cover.Level 8
Orbital 380MM HE BarrageRight, Down, Up, Up, Left, Down, DownA prolonged barrage, wreaking extended destruction over a large area. Communication with teammates is advised.Level 8
Orbital EMS StrikeRight, Right, Left, DownA “compliance weapon” to modify enemy behavior. The projectile temporarily stuns all targets within the strike radius.Level 8
AutocannonDown, Left, Down, Up, Up, RightA fullly-automatic cannon effective against light vehicle armor. Includes support backpack required for reloading.Level 10
Eagle 110MM Rocket PodsUp, Right, Up, LeftA barrage of rocket pods, which the Eagle pilot will release on the largest target near the stratagem beacon.Level 10
FlamethrowerDown, Left, Up, Down, UpAn incendiary weapon for close range. Will ignite targets, terrain, and any flammable teammates.Level 10
“Guard Dog”Down, Up, Left, Up, Right, DownAn autonomous drone equipped with a Liberator assault rifle, providing 360° cover. Returns to backpack to rearm.Level 10
“Guard Dog” RoverDown, Up, Left, Up, Right, RightAn autonomous drone equipped with a laser rifle, providing 360° cover. Returns to backpack to cool down.Level 10
HMG EmplacementDown, Up, Left, Right, Right, LeftA manned fortification offering superior firepower against lightly armored targets. Slow to turn, so place it wisely.Level 10
Orbital Walking BarrageRight, Right, Down, Left, Right, DownA linear artillery barrage which moves at intervals, driving the enemy out from cover while allowing an advance.Level 10
Shield Generation RelayDown, Up, Left, Down, Right, RightA stationary energy shield which provides cover against projectiles. Has a limited lifetime once deployed.Level 10
Ballistic Shield BackpackDown, Left, Up, Up, RightA backpack which can be wielded as a one-handed ballistic shield, protecting against small arms fire.Level 12
Autocannon SentryDown, Up, Right, Up, Left, UpAn automated cannon turret firing anti-tank ammunition over long ranges. Sacrifices agility for range and power.Level 13
Arc ThrowerDown, Right, Up, Left, DownProjects an arc of lightning at close range. Charges up to project bolts, and may discharge through multiple targets.Level 15
Eagle 500KG BombUp, Right, Down, Down, DownA large bomb obliterating almost any target close to impact. Make sure to clear the area.Level 15
Orbital LasersRight, Down, Up, Right, DownThe Destroyer’s laser cannon will sweep over the designated area, vaporizing all targets within the effective radius.Level 15
Rocket SentryDown, Up, Right, Right, LeftA powerful automated turret, effective against armored targets. The turret will primarily aim at larger enemies.Level 15
Tesla TowerDown, Up, Right, Up, Left, RightA turret which fires electrical charges at targets in close range. To avoid friendly fire, remain prone.Level 15
EMS Mortar SentryDown, Down, Up, Up, LeftA turret firing static field generators that slow the advance of enemies.Level 20
Orbital Railcannon StrikeRight, Up, Down, Down, RightA high-velocity railcannon round fired at the largest target in close proximity to the beacon. Targeting is automattic.Level 20
RailgunDown, Right, Left, Down, Up, Left, RightAn experimental weapon which prioritizes armor penetration. Must be charged between shots – so choose targets carefully.Level 20
SpearDown, Down, Up, Down, DownAn anti-tank homing missile which must lock onto its target before launch. Effective against large and armored enemies.Level 20
Shield Generator PackDown, Up, Left, Right, Left, RightEncloses the wearer in a spherical shield which blocks high-speed projectiles. Has a limited lifetime once deployed.Level 20
50 Stratagems – Helldivers Full Stratagems List

NOTE: This list will be updated as Arrowhead Game Studios adds more Stratagems to Helldivers 2.

If you are unsure about what stratagems you should use for offence and which should be reserved for defence then check out these guides;

Helldivers 2 Stratagem Tier List: Best Offensive Stratagems
Best Sentry Stratagems in Helldivers 2 – Defensive Stratagem Tier List


  • Zain Raza

    Zain's gaming passion started with the PSP era. He has been a PlayStation fan from the start and loves narrative driven single-player games. He dabbles into all things pop culture.

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