Fastest Way To Unlock The MAGMA CAMO In Modern Warfare 3 (MW3)

How to get the MAGMA Camo In MW3 Vortex War's Domain Event

With the MW3 Vortex: War’s Domain event finally live in Call of Duty Modern Warfare 3 as of January 3, 2024, players are trying to figure out the fastest way to garner XP to earn the animated MAGMA CAMO in MW3. Camos are seriously looking sweet this time around in MW3, like the FORGED CAMO for the RAM-7. While the events tab might not be working for some players right now as the game is plagued with bugs of all sorts, Sledgehammer did post an update stating that the final in-game MW3 Vortex: War’s Domain Event Magma Camo in MW3 will cost you upwards of 458,500 XP, which is a lot. So, here are some of the fastest ways to rake in XP and get the Magma camo in MW3 Vortex: War’s Domain.

The fastest way to unlock the MAGMA CAMO in MW3 Vortex: War’s Domain event is to grind it out and play long matches. In addition, you’ll also need to complete all Vortex War’s Domain Event Challenges in MW3.

For the record, you’ll need to complete tons of objectives, rake in XP, and pretty much win every match. And if you’ve saved up Double XP Tokens, those will seriously come in handy to rake in the needed 458,500 XP to unlock the new MAGMA camo in MW3. As you further unlock rewards, you’ll get additional XP tokens to finally unlock the new animated CAMO in MW3: Vortex War’s Domain.

Buy The War Horse Bundle To Unlock The MAGMA CAMO in MW3

War Horse In MW3 Vortex War's Domain Event

This is kind of a no-brainer, but it will cost you actual money. The War Horse Bundle is an Ultra Skin that will cost you upwards of 2400 COD Points, which roughly equates to around 19.99 dollars, given the added 400 COD points you get for buying points in question. This War Horse Bundle will give you an XP boost of around 1000 XP per match you participate in, but there are better ways to unlock the Magma Camo in MW3.

Play Hardpoint and Domination Flags

The best way to farm XP to unlock the MAGMA camo in MW3 would be to grind out game modes like Hardpoint and Domination Flags and go on win streaks. That’s practically the best way to pave the road to unlocking the new animated camo in MW3 Vortex: War’s Domain Event.

Play Warzone Battle Royale and Plunder

Warzone and Plunder in MW3

Players that are veterans of Warzone might get this challenge wrapped up pretty quickly. It’s pretty simple. Just hop into a few sessions of Battle Royale or Warzone Plunder, complete tons of contracts, rake in tons of kills, stay alive the longest, and win matches to rake in a heap of XP.

Play MW3 Zombies To Unlock the MAGMA CAMO in MW3: Vortex Warzone Fast

MW3 Zombies to grind XP for Magma Camo mw3

With MW3 Zombies finally in the picture, players can now kill hordes of zombies and complete contracts to rake in tons of XP. Take out strongholds and kill tougher bosses, complete as many contracts as possible, and you’ll farm loads of XP to unlock the MAGMA CAMO in MW3.

Double XP Tokens Are The Fastest Way To Unlock the MAGMA CAMO IN MW3: Vortex Warzone

Double XP Tokens in Magma Camo MW3

Another way to gain XP fast in MW3 is to use Double XP tokens. If you have a few 30-minute, 45-minute Double XP tokens, make sure to make good use of them during this event, as you’ve only got 13 days to complete this challenge and unlock the MAGMA CAMO in MW3: Vortex War’s Domain Event. To help you out, here are 3 free 30-minute Double XP Tokens Codes and a charm to speed up your grind.

As you garner more XP and complete further challenges indirectly in MW3: Vortex War’s Domain Even, you’ll earn a 30-minute Double XP Token for 16,500 XP. Furthermore, for 39,000 XP, you’ll earn a 45M Double XP Token for upgrading your weapons. Things keep getting sweeter as you keep grinding the game; you get a 1H Double XP Battle Pass Token at 145,000 XP and two more 1H Double XP Tokens at 215,500 XP and 381,500 XP respectively.

Do Double XP Tokens Stack?

Do Double XP Tokens Stack. No They Don't

Unfortunately, Double XP Tokens do not stack in MW3. If you activate two double XP tokens, It only will increase the amount of time you get to rake in double XP. Furthermore, double XP tokens are deactivated during double XP events or weekends. While this worked previously in MW2, the developers quickly patched the 4x double XP trick.

And that’s pretty much the fastest way to unlock the MAGMA CAMO in MW3: Vortex War’s Domain Event. So grind out Hardpoint, MW3 Zombies, Warzone Battle Royale, and Plunder. Complete contracts and objectives, nail some kill streaks, and win matches. Grind fast or do it at a steady pace because you’ve still got 13 days till the event ends.

It’s nice to see that players can finally unlock some pretty cool weapon camos and blueprints for free in MW3 as part of new events coming along the way. It’s the greatest alternative to spending money on Camos or bundles, so act quick or play MW3: Vortex War’s Domain Event at your own pace.

That pretty much wraps up the fastest way to unlock the MAGMA Camo in MW3: Vortex War’s Domain Event. Stay tuned for more guides, updates, loadouts, and MW3 news at EsportsNext.


  • Naseer Abbas

    Naseer is a modern-day Ted in a human skin who relishes in making games easier to play for others while making real life harder for peers to partake in the great social experiment.

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