Pokemon Sleep Flower Fest Event Overview and Guide

Pokemon Sleep Flower Fest

The newest event comes to Pokemon Sleep with a spring-themed matching the new season of spring, with the Pokemon Sleep Flower Fest bringing new Pokemon, new rewards, and much more to enjoy in the game next week.

The new event is a welcome one considering fans assumed the new batch of updates and new content would only be for the three Legendary Beasts Pokemon which are coming to the game, Raikou’s event concludes before this upcoming Flower Fest one, however now it’s pleasant to know that other updates will still be coming to the game slash sleep tracking app that brings other Pokemon and rewards. Entei and Suicune will be sure to arrive sooner or later so it’s a win-win situation for all as everyone can enjoy more from Pokemon Sleep.

The New Pokemon Sleep Flower Fest comes with a new event tied in with a brand new Pokemon Debut, with the main event coming with special Grass and Fairy-themed Pokemon as well as a cooking update that will make Dishes be fixed to Salads for next week. There’s much to go through so we’ve made this whole article to explain and help you out to get the most out of next week in Pokemon Sleep.

Pokemon Sleep Flower Fest Event:

The Flower Fest Event will be starting and running next week from tomorrow Monday, April 22nd 4 AM to next Monday, April 29th 4 AM.

This event brings a boost to Grass and Fairy Type Pokemon Appearances which would help players get appropriate ingredients to help them make Salad Dishes which is another part of the whole event. For this event, one Pokemon will always be arriving after sleep research being extra hungry and there will be many event-themed rewards redeemable ingame as players play through each day.

The newest debut to Pokemon Sleep Flower Fest comes as Comfey, whose Incense will also be one of the rewards in the game.

Players can progress simply by tracking their sleep each day for the whole event duration, with event Pokemon spawning right after that will in turn help them make more Salad dishes and get a bigger score with each new day till the last day of the event. Shiny Pokemon are also up for grabs, so players could get lucky and encounter one or more as well. All varieties of Pokemon will spawn despite which kind of Sleep Type Players get in their sleep research. Some of the Pokemon coming through would be Leafeon, Togepi, Bulbasaur, Bellsprout, Chikorita, Jigglypuff and more.

For the Area for this event, all Areas will benefit from the event bonuses, however for Comfey, it can only be found in Greengrass Isle, Cyan Beach and Lapis Lakeside so players that want to encounter it would need to select one of these three areas to spend the event in. Snowdrop Tundra and Taupe Hollow will also get benefits of the event, but will not spawn Comfey after sleep research in the game.

Flower Fest Salad Dishes:

The vital way to progress in this event is to gather ingredients and make Salads during the Flower Fest. The dishes will be fixed to Salads for everyone next week and Snorlax will get 1.5 times the normal Strength from eating dishes. Extra Tasty dishes will also give a bigger boost than normal for this whole event, so this is the best time to gather and cook up some great dishes to get a really high score by the final day which will give an even bigger boost to dishes.

The normal days from Monday to Saturday will give 1.5 times the Strength to Snorlax and 3 times for dishes that become Extra Tasty. The final day of the Pokemon Sleep Flower Fest event, Sunday, will give 1.5 times the usual strength from dishes but Extra Tasty Dishes will give a whopping 4.5 times the usual amount.

This is a good way to fill out your dish recipe book so you can conveniently make different varieties, event themed spawning Pokemon will be giving you the perfect ingredients to keep this up every day and get the most out of the whole event.

Adding Comfey to your team and many other Pokemon including even shiny ones will be a sure way to get great rewards out of the game, so you wouldn’t want to miss out on the Pokemon Sleep Flower Fest starting tomorrow.

Remember, the main manner to progress fast ahead is to choose an area that has Comfey as a spawn, cook up some good Salads and give it to Snorlax, track your sleep each day, get event-themed Pokemon spawns that give you the needed ingredients to make even better Salad dishes, and repeat the whole process again and again each day. We hope you find the shiny you’re looking for and plenty of new Sleep poses!

Flower Fest Bundles:

Additionally, with a new event comes brand new ingame bundles that would give players an edge in the event. There will be a small, medium and large bundle available for diamonds that will include a variety of Incenses of event Pokemon as well as additional helpful items. Below is the list of each bundle:

The Small Bundle will cost 250 diamonds and will come with 1 Chikorita Incense and 5 Poke Biscuits. Players can buy up to three of this bundle.

The Medium Bundle will cost 600 diamonds and will give players 1 Eevee Incense, 1 Leaf Store and 10 Poke Biscuits in Pokemon Sleep. Players can only buy one of these bundles as that is the limit.

The Large bundle will come for 1500 diamonds and will give players 2 Friend Incense, 1 Comfey Incense, 60 Comfey Candy and 10 Great Biscuits. This will also have a purchase limit set to one.

For players that still don’t have any of the event Pokemon or want to get some better ones, this is a worthwhile purchase to get if they’d like to spend a little bit of cash or if they have diamonds saved up already. The incense from these boxes also rewards Pokemon that give the perfect kind of ingredients to help make Salad dishes so it’s worth considering.

The next week will be a fun one for Pokemon Sleep players and it’s looking like the next month will hold much as well with the two remaining legendary beasts still coming soon to Pokemon Sleep.

Stay tuned to our website for more on Pokemon sleep and everything else Pokemon and gaming, as well as a little more else too. For more on Pokemon Sleep, you can also check out the game’s official website.


  • Mohsin Ali

    An individual whose gaming and social preferences are fueled by nostalgia. Giving most of his time to Game Boy Advance titles where it all started for him, his proficiency lies in anything coming from innovation and departure from the norms that directly surmount to just plain old fun. Anything related to Nintendo or Pokémon is enough motivation for him to put his English graduate skills to good use.

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