League of Legends Season 14 releasing on Friday, January 5th 2023 is probably going to be one of its biggest seasons ever. There are so many changes and updates coming in its new season and here is everything you need to know about it.
All the Item Changes of League of Legends season 2024 are mentioned below, check it out;
Support Item Changes in Season 14
New Items
World Atlas
Passive – Void Explosion: If your ability damages a champion, an explosion at their current location will be triggered which will damage the target and nearby enemies with 50 (plus 3% maximum health) magic damage. However, the damage against the monsters is limited to 300 with a 3-second cooldown.
Runic Compass
Item Cost: Upgraded from World Atlas at 500 gold
Stats: 100 health, 50% mana regeneration, 50% health regeneration, and 5 gold/10 seconds
Support Quest: You will earn 1,000 gold from this item to transform it into Runic Compass. And you will be able to hold wards.
Gold Generation: Every 18 seconds, you will get a charge (maximum 3 stacks can be gained). A charge can be used to earn gold in the two ways below:
> Injuring and attacking champions or structures will grant you 34 gold for melee and 32 for range.
> Killing a minion rewards you with 28 gold, and the teammate closest to you will receive the same amount of gold if they killed the minion. Perhaps this will let players support teammates to actively push the lanes and kill minions.
Bounty of Worlds
Item Cost: 40 gold
Stats: 30 health, 25% mana regeneration, 25% health regeneration, and 3 gold/10 seconds
Support Quest: To transform Support Quest to Runic Compass, you attain 500 gold, Support Quest will also allow you to hold wards.
Gold Generation: Every 18 seconds, you will get a charge (maximum 3 stacks can be gained). A charge can be used to earn gold in the two ways below:
> Injuring and attacking champions or structures will grant you 30 gold for melee and 28 for range.
> Killing a minion rewards you with 20 gold, and the teammate closest to you will receive the same amount of gold if they killed the minion. Perhaps this will let players support teammates to actively push the lanes and kill minions.
All Upgraded Items
All upgraded items will have similar similar stats. The only difference will be:
> 200 Health
> 75% mana regeneration
> 75% health regeneration
> 5 gold/10 seconds
Celestial Opposition
Passive – Void Explosion: If your ability damages a champion, an explosion at their current location will be triggered which will damaging the target and nearby enemies with 50 (plus 3% maximum health) magic damage. However, the damage against the monsters is limited to 300 with a 3-second cooldown.
Solstice Sleigh
Passive – You and a nearby ally that has the lowest health will get 120 bonus health and 90 movement speed for 4 seconds if you Slow or Immobilize an enemy champ, with a 20 seconds cooldown.
Passive – You and a nearby ally that has the lowest health will get 120 bonus health and 90 movement speed for 4 seconds if you Slow or Immobilize an enemy champ, with a 20-second cooldown.
Dream Maker
Passive – Dream Maker: Every 8 seconds, you will get a Blue Dream Bubble and a Purple Dream Bubble.
> Healing and Shielding another ally will blow both Blue and Purple Dream Bubbles to them, empowering them for 3 seconds.
> The Blue Bubble will lessen the incoming damage on the next hit by 140, and the Purple Bubble will give an additional 90 bonus magic damage on the next hit.
Zaz’Zak’s Realmspike
Passive – Spellblade: Your next attack will gain extra on-hit physical damage with a 1.5-second cooldown after you use an ability. In case your target happens to be a champion, you will apply Expose Weakness which will result in a 12% damage increase for melee champions and 8% damage increase for ranged champions lasting for 6 seconds.
Support Item Changes in Season 14

New Items
(New) Glowing Mote
Cost: 250 gold
Stats: Five ability haste
(New) Dawncore
Total Cost: 2,700 gold
Item Recipe: Bandleglass Mirror, Bandleglass Mirror, and 700 gold
Stats: 40 ability power, 20 ability haste, and 150% mana regeneration
Passive – Dawncore: For every 100% base mana regeneration, you will get 3% Heal and Shield power and 5 ability powers
Passive – Summoner Spell haste: You will get 18 Summoner Spell haste
Changed Items
Echoes of Helia
Total Cost: 2,200 gold
Item Recipe: Kindlegem, Bandleglass Mirror, and 400 gold
Stats: 200 health, 40 ability power, 20 ability haste, and 125% mana regeneration
Passive – Soul Siphon: By giving a champion an injury, you will gain a Soul Shard (up to 3 can be collected). When you Heal or Shield an ally, all Soul Shards will be used. For every Shard to the nearest enemy champion will restore 20 health, and deal 55 magic damage.
Passive – Dissonance is removed
Removed Items – Chemtech Putrifier, Chalice of Harmony
Marksman Item Changes in Season 14
New Items
Total Cost: 3,200 gold
Item Recipe: Recurve Bow, Last Whisper, Dagger, and 750 gold
Stats: 40 attack damage and 30% attack speed
Passive – Shadow: Upon contact, each strike will inflict 30 magic damages.
Passive – Juxtaposition: In each attack, you will take turns of Light and Dark on-hits.
> Light attacks will get you 3-5 armor and magic resist, stacks up to 15-25, for 5 seconds.
> Dark attacks will get you 6% armor penetration and magic penetration, that can be stacked up to 30% for 5 seconds.
Changed Items
Guardian Angel
Total Cost: 2,800
Item Recipe: Hearthbound Axe, Cloak of Agility, 1,000 gold
Stats: 20 attack damage, 30% attack speed, 20% critical strike chance, and 10% movement speed
Passive – Spectral Waltz: Upon attacking, basic attacks will award you ghosting and a stack of 7% bonus attack speed, a maximum 35% bonus attack speed can be received.
Phantom Dancer
Total Cost: 2,800
Item Recipe: Hearthbound Axe, Cloak of Agility, 1,000 gold
Stats: 20 attack damage, 30% attack speed, 20% critical strike chance, and 10% movement speed
Passive – Spectral Waltz: Upon attacking, basic attacks will award you ghosting and a stack of 7% bonus attack speed, maximum 35% bonus attack speed can be received.
Removed Items – Rageknife, Galeforce
Mage Item Changes in Season 14

New Items
Total Cost: 3,000 gold
Item Recipe: Lost Chapter, Fiendish Codex, and 900 gold.
Stats: 80 ability power, 20 ability haste, and 600 mana.
Ultimate Power: For your Ultimate Power, you will get 15 ability haste.
Ultimate Flames: Upon damaging an enemy champion with Ultimate Flames, the ground beneath them will be burnt by you for 3 seconds, distributing 60 (plus 6% Ability Power) magic damage every second. Their Magic Resistance will be reduced by 6-12 (whichever scales with your level) as long as they are on the burning ground.
Caster’s Companion
Total Cost: 2,900 gold
Item Recipe: Hextech Alternator, Aether Wisp, and 950 gold
Stats: 90 ability power, 10 magic penetration, and 5% movement speed
Passive – Stormraider: Within 3 seconds of applying Stormsuge, you will deal 35% of a champion’s maximum health. This will get the user 25% movement speed for 2 seconds, with a 20-second cooldown.
Passive – Stormsurge: Stormsurge will hit the target after 20 seconds with lightning which will deal 100-200 (based on level) (plus 50% Ability Power) magic damage to them. In case they die to it, lightning explodes at once in a huge area surrounding them and you gain 30 gold.
Total Cost: 2,900 gold
Item Recipe: Hextech Alternator, Aether Wisp, and 950 gold
Stats: 90 ability power, 10 magic penetration, and 5% movement speed
Passive – Stormraider: Within 3 seconds of applying Stormsuge, you will deal 35% of a champion’s maximum health. This will get the user 25% movement speed for 2 seconds, with a 20 seconds cooldown.
Passive – Stormsurge: Stormsurge will hit the target after 20 seconds with lightning which will deal 100-200 (based on level) (plus 50% Ability Power) magic damage to them. In case they die to it, lightning explodes at once in a huge area surrounding them and you gain 30 gold.
Haunting Guise
Total Cost: 1,300 gold
Item Recipe: Amplifying Tome, Ruby Crystal, and 500 gold.
Stat: 35 Ability Power and 200 Health.
Passive – Madness: You deal 2% bonus damage (maximum 6%) for each second in combat with enemy champs.
Total Cost: 2,850 gold
Item Recipe: Blighting Jewel, Fiendish Codex, and 850 gold
Stats: 70 ability power, 15 ability haste, and 30% magic penetration
Passive – Life From Death: Within 3 seconds of damaging an enemy champion when you get a takedown, you will create a healing nova at their location which will heal allies for 50 (plus 50% Ability Power), with a 60-second cooldown.
Changed Items
Total Cost: 3,000 gold
Item Recipe: Haunting Guise, Fiendish Codex, and 800 gold
Stats: 70 ability power, 15 ability haste, and 300 health.
Void Corruption: You will deal 2% bonus damage (max 10%) for each second in battle with enemy champions. At maximum strength, you will get 10% (melee) and 6% (ranged) Omnivamp.
Void Infusion: You will get 2% of your bonus health as ability power.
Omnivamp updated with the following (now only with Riftmaker):
> For a percentage of damage you deal, Omnivamp heals you with a reduced effect (33% effectiveness) on minions and monsters.
> Omnivamp heals you for the full amount with Pet or AoE damage.
Liandry’s Torment
Total Cost: 3,000 gold
Item Recipe: Haunting Guise, Blasting Wand, and 850 gold
Stats: 90 ability power and 300 health
Passive – Torment: Putting damage with abilities will result in enemies suffering magic damage equal to 2% of their maximum health per second for 3 seconds.
Passive – Suffering: For every second in combat with enemy champions, you get 2% bonus damage (max of 6% bonus damage).
Horizon Focus
Total Cost: 1,600 gold
Item Recipe: Amplifying Tome, Amplifying Tome, Cloth Armor, and 500 gold.
Stats: 40 ability power and 35 armor.
Active – Stasis: You can become Invulnerable and untargetable for 2.5 seconds (only once). The user can not take any other actions during this time and it will be transformed into Broken Armguard once used.
Seeker’s Armguard
Total Cost: 2,700 gold
Item Recipe: Blasting Wand, Catalyst, and 550 gold
Stats: 50 ability power, 300 health, and 300 mana
This item will give you 20 health, 20 mana, and 4 ability powers every 60 seconds (maximum 10 times for up to 200 health, 200 mana, and 40 ability powers). A level is gained upon reaching maximum stacks.
Passive – Eternity: A mana of 7% will be restored as per the pre-mitigation damage that is taken from champions and health equals to 25% of the mana spent (maximum 20 health every cast every second).
Removed: A 35% bonus movement speed will be gained for every 200 healing or mana that is restored with Eternity, this will go off over 3 seconds.
Total Cost: 3,200 gold
Item Recipe: Needlessly Large Rod, Hextech Alternator, and 850 gold
Stats: 120 ability power and 12 magic penetration
Passive – Cinderbloom: Magic damage and true damage strikes enemies below 35% health. This will deal 20% increase in damage but will reduce to 30% increased damage for DoT and pet effects.
Cosmic Drive
Total Cost: 3,000 gold
Item Recipe: Kindlegem, Aether Wisp, Fiendish Codex, and 450 gold
Stats: 80 ability power, 250 health, 25 ability haste, and 5% movement speed
Passive – Spelldance: Damaging an enemy champion with an ability will give bonus movement speed for 2 seconds.
Amplifying Tomb
Cost: 400 gold
Stats: 20 ability power
Rod of Ages
Total Cost: 2,700 gold
Item Recipe: Blasting Wand, Catalyst, and 550 gold
Stats: 50 ability power, 300 health, and 300 mana
This item will give you 20 health, 20 mana, and 4 ability powers every 60 seconds (maximum 10 times for upto 200 health, 200 mana, and 40 ability powers). A level is gained upon reaching maximum stacks.
Passive – Eternity: A mana of 7% will be restored as per the pre-mitigation damage that is taken from champions and health equals to 25% of the mana spent (maximum 20 health every cast every second).
Removed: A 35% bonus movement speed will be gained for every 200 healing or mana that is restored with Eternity, this will go off over 3 seconds.
Removed Items – Crown of the Shattered Queen, Everfrost, Leeching Leer, Demonic Embrace, Night Harvester, Luden’s Tempest, Stopwatch (and the corresponding Perfect Timing rune).
Assassin Item Changes in Season 14
New Items
Voltaic Cyclosword
Total Cost: 2,900 gold
Item Recipe: The Brutalizer, Kircheis Shard, and 863 gold.
Stats: 55 attack damage, 18 lethality, and 15 ability haste.
Passive – Energized: Moving and Attacking will lead to an Energized Attack. Your dashes and Stealth stack Energized 75% faster.
Passive – Firmament: Your Energized Attack applies 100 bonus physical damage and slows enemies for 99% for 0.75 seconds, but it reduces the speed of melee champs.
Profane Hydra
Total Cost: 3,400 gold
Item Recipe: Tiamat, The Brutalizer, and 863 gold.
Stats: 60 attack damage, 18 lethality, and 20 ability haste.
Active – Heretical Slash: 65% of your total attack that you have dealt will physically damage nearby enemies. This damage will increase to 97.5% of total attack damage as physical damage to enemies below 30% health.
Passive – Cleave: Attacks deal 40% attack damage to melee units and 20% attack damage to ranged units within 450 units of the target hit.
Total Cost: 3,000 gold
Item Recipe: Serrated Dirk, Caulfield’s Warhammer, and 900 gold.
Stats: 60 attack damage, 18 lethality, and 15 ability haste
Passive – Ego: When an enemy champion is killed, you get a statue of yourself.
Passive – Eminence: When a champion dies that you have damaged within the last 3 seconds, you will get 10 (+1 /Statue) Attack Damage for 60 seconds.
(New) Opportunity
Total Cost: 2,700 gold
Item Recipe: Serrated Dirk, Nether Shard, and 800 gold
Stats: 55 attack damage, 18 lethality, and 6% movement speed
Passive – Murder: After being out of combat with champions for 8 seconds, you will get bonus lethality which will last for 3 seconds after you have inflicted damage to champions.
Passive – Murderspeed: When a champion dies that you have damaged within the last 3 seconds, you will get 150 reduced movement speed for 1.5 seconds.
(New) Rectrix
Total Cost: 900 gold
Item Recipe: Long Sword and 550 gold.
Stats: 20 attack damage and 4% movement speed.
(New) The Brutalizer
Total Cost: 1337 gold
Item Recipe: Glowing Mote, Pickaxe, and 212 gold.
Stats: 25 attack damage, 10 ability haste, and 8 lethality.
Changed Items
Serylda’s Grudge
Total Cost: 3,200 gold
Item Recipe: Brutalizer, Last Whisper, and 413 gold.
Stats: 45 attack damage, 15 lethality, and 15 ability haste.
Passive – Rancor: You will gain 22 (plus 12%) lethality armor penetration.
Passive-Bitter Cold: Your damaging abilities will slow enemies below 50% Health by 30% for one second.
Removed Items – Duskblade of Draktharr, Prowler’s Claw.
Tank Item Changes in Season 14

New Items
Hollow Radiance
Total Cost: 2,800 gold
Item Recipe: Bami’s Cinder, Spectre’s Cowl, and 550 gold.
Stats: 600 health, 40 magic resistance, and 100% base health regeneration.
Passive – Immolate: Taking or inflicting damage will make you begin dealing magic damage per second to nearby enemies (which is increased by 25% against minions) for 3 seconds. Taking damage or dealing damage will reset the span of this effect.
Passive – Moonburn: Killing an enemy (non-ward and non-structure) means you will deal 30 (plus 3.5% bonus health) magic damage to their surrounding area.
Unending Despair
Total Cost: 2,800 gold
Item Recipe: Chain Vest, Kindlegem, Ruby Crystal, and 800 gold.
Stats: 400 health, 55 armor, and 10 ability haste.
Passive: While combating champions for every 7 seconds, you will deal magic damage to nearby enemy champions. You will also heal for 175% of the damage dealt.
Kaenic Rookern
Total Cost: 3,000 gold
Item Recipe: Spectre’s Cowl, Negatron Cloak, and 850 gold.
Stats: 350 health, 80 magic resistance, and 100% base health regeneration.
Passive – Magebane: If for 15 seconds you have not taken damage from champions then you will gain a magic shield for 18% of your maximum health.
Changed Items
Jak’Sho the Protean
Total Cost: 3,200 gold
Item Recipe: Chain Vest, Negatron Cloak, Ruby Crystal, and 1,100 gold
Stats: 200 health, 50 armor, and 50 magic resistance
Passive – Voidborn Resilience: For every second in champion combat, you will get maximum of 5 stacks. When you have 5 stacks, you will become empowered, increasing your bonus resists by 25% till the combat ends.
Dead Man’s Plate
Total Cost: 3,100 gold
Item Recipe: Winged Moonplate, Chain Vest, Ruby Crystal, and 1,100 gold
Stats: 300 health, 45 armor, and 5% movement speed
Passive – Shipwrecker: You will build up to 40 bonus move speed when you are moving. Your next attack will eject your built-up move speed to deal a maximum of 40 (plus 100% base attack damage) bonus physical damage.
Passive – Unsinkable: The strength of movement slowing effects is reduced by 25%.
Force of Nature
Total Cost: 2,800 gold
Item Recipe: Negatron Cloak, Winged Moonplate, Ruby Crystal, and 700 gold.
Stats: 400 health, 50 magic resistance, and 5% movement speed.
Passive – Absorb: Taking magic damage from enemy champions will award you a stack of Steadfast (max 8 stacks) for 7 seconds. Enemy Immobilizing effects will give 2 more stacks. One spell can add a new stack of Steadfast every second.
Dissipate: When you have 8 stacks of Steadfast, you gain 60 magic resist and 10% increased movement speed.
Removed Items – Turbo Chemtank, Radiant Virtue, Evenshroud, Gargoyle’s Stoneplate, Aegis of the Legion, and Lifewell Pendant.
Fighter Item Changes in Season 14
New Items
(New) Sundered Sky
Total Cost: 3,100 gold
Item Recipe: Tunneler, Caulfield’s Warhammer, and 900 gold.
Stats: 55 attack damage, 15 ability haste, and 300 health.
Passive – Lightshield Strike: The first attack against a champion will critically strike for 150% damage. It will also heal you for 110% base attack damage, plus 8% of missing health.
Nitro Hexaegis
Total Cost: 3,000 gold
Item Recipe: Tunneler, Noonquiver, and 600 gold.
Stats: 55 Attack Damage, 20% Attack Speed, and 300 Health.
Passive: You will gain 30 ultimate ability haste.
Passive: After casting your ultimate, you will gain 35% attack speed and 15% bonus movement speed for 7 seconds.
Total Cost: 1,100 gold
Item Recipe: Long Sword, Ruby Crystal, and 350 gold.
Stats: 15 attack damage and 250 health.
Changed Items
Tiamat (Regained Active)
Total Cost: 3,100 gold
Item Recipe: Kindlegem, Caulfield’s Warhammer, Pickaxe, and 325 gold.
Passive – Dragonforce: Your non-ultimate spells will gain 15 ability haste.
Passive-Focused Will: Spell hits will grant you a maximum 3 stacks. Your spells deal 3% more damage for every stack (up to 9%).
Item performance will be different for melee and ranged users.
Ravenous Hydra (Regained Active)
Total Cost: 3,300 gold
Item Recipe: Tiamat, Caulfield’s Warhammer, Vampiric Scepter, and 100 gold.
Stats: 70 attack damage, 20 ability haste, and 10 lifesteal.
Active – Ravenous Crescent: You will deal 80% of your total attack damage as physical damage to nearby enemies. This damage also applies lifesteal and has a 10-second cooldown.
Passive – Cleave: Your attacks deal 40% attack damage to melee units and 20% attack damage to ranged units within 450 units of the target hit.
Titanic Hydra
Total Cost: 3,300 gold
Item Recipe: Tiamat, Tunneler, Ruby Crystal, and 600 gold.
Stats: 55 attack damage and 550 health.
Passive – Cleave: Your attacks deal additional physical damage on-hit and physical damage to enemies behind the target.
Active – Titanic Crescent: Cleave will deal more physical damage in a larger area on your next attack instead.
Total Cost: 3,000 gold
Item Recipe: Tunneler, Nether Shard, Pickaxe, and 125 gold.
Stats: 65 Attack Damage, 350 Health, and 5% Movement Speed.
Passive – Skipper: Your basic attacks will grant a stack (maximum 5 stacks). When you have max stacks and attack an enemy champion or epic monster, you will consume all stacks to deal 150% base attack damage bonus physical damage. Increased to 400% against structures.
Passive – Boarding Part: Nearby allied Siege and Super Minions will gain 15-90 bonus armor and magic resistance (level-based).
Total Cost: 3,000 gold
Item Recipe: Phage, Pickaxe, Dagger, and 725 gold.
Stats: 50 attack damage, 20% attack speed, and 400 health.
Active-Halting Slash: You will slow enemies in a radius around you by 25% and gain 25% bonus movement speed for every champion hit, which finishes in over 2 seconds. You can move while casting, with a 15-second cooldown.
Passive – Heroic Gait: Dealing physical damage will get you 20 bonus movement speed for 2 seconds.
Wit’s End
Total Cost: 2,900 gold
Item Recipe: Recurve Bow, Negatron Cloak, Dagger, and 1,000 gold.
Stats: 50% Attack Speed, 50 Magic Resist, and 20% Tenacity.
Passive – Fray: Your attacks apply 15 magic damage on hit.
Spear of Shojin
Total Cost: 3,100 gold
Item Recipe: Kindlegem, Caulfield’s Warhammer, Pickaxe, and 325 gold.
Passive – Dragonforce: Your non-ultimate spells will gain 15 ability haste.
Passive-Focused Will: Spell hits will grant you a maximum of 3 stacks. Your spells deal 3% more damage for every stack (up to 9%).
Item performance will be different for melee and ranged users.
Total Cost: 1,100 gold
Item Recipe: Ruby Crystal, Long Sword, and 350 gold.
Passive – Rage: Attacking a unit will grant 20 movement speed for 2 seconds.
Steel Sigil
Total Cost: 1,200 gold
Item Recipe: Long Sword, Cloth Armor, and 550 gold.
Stats: 15 attack damage and 30 armor.
Removed Items – Goredrinker, Divine Sunderer, Silvermere Dawn, and Ironspike Whip.
Although there are so many that it may be difficult to remember with these changes that are coming up with the new season of League of Legends in 2 months, many top dogs will have to work a little extra on their built paths considering that the item changes may have impacted it.