Epic Games Store Deals for Holiday December

Epic Games

December is all about the Holiday season, be it Hanukkah, Christmas, or New Year’s, and it is just around the corner. It’s a good time of the year for the gaming community as well and the Holiday season brings with it many deals on various games on multiple platforms. One of the first to come out with deals on such occasions is a video game digital distribution game service by Epic Games Store, owned by developer Epic Games. The maker of Fortnite has been in the headlines all around this year for a lawsuit against Google. Epic Games is suing Google for being unfair with the Fortnite app due to the illegal monopoly on the Google Play Store. This isn’t the first legal showdown for Epic, as they previously fought against the tech giant, Apple, where none of the two sides won. Nevertheless, Epic Games seems to have etched a rule in their playbook: no matter what, they’re determined to keep the spotlight firmly fixed on them.

Despite the challenges Epic faces in generating profits from its digital platform, its Store has started to shift its focus towards attracting new exclusives. They do this through initiatives designed to support various developers and publishers. From 2022 onwards, Epic Games Store initiated a ‘weekly promotions’ offer of free games, with this shift as well they tend to remain on Top of Mind in the gaming community.

If you did not know, Epic Games Store gives out an ongoing deal every week in which it makes 1 or 2 video games available free for a week on Thursdays at 10 AM CT. This makes PC gamers wait anxiously for something every week from the Store. Irrespective of what title they make free, sometimes it’s liked, and sometimes not so much. But the cool thing is that there is no extra cost and the offers contain impressive titles too so players can experience all genres and all types of titles.

Epic Games

With that, Epic Store Games does have a great deal coming this Holiday season. This December, Epic Games Store is giving out a free game not weekly but every day for almost 2 weeks! So what will happen is that the game which is free for that particular day is going to be made available for anyone with an account on the storefront to claim within 24 hours before the next one is revealed on the following day. This is going to continue till New Year’s i.e. the 31st of December or the last Thursday i.e. 28th of December after which the promotions become weekly again. During these two weeks, fans can try out games that they have been wanting to try for a long time or they could pick out a new favorite.

As for the range of games, it will vary and also include Best Sellers, all of different genres. With the diversity of games Epic Games Store has and its ‘expect the unexpected’ approach, the list of games is not available beforehand. We can not confirm whether the wait will be worth it or not but we do have our fingers crossed.


  • Abida Muqeem

    Abida may not be a gaming or tech guru, but always down for a nerdy convo! She's played games like FIFA, Mortal Combat, PUB-G and is a sucker for story-mode games. Currently dreaming of Hogwarts Legacy which she will finish right after she purchases a PS5 with the money from this writing gig.

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